2021-4-11 · Take a look at our digital tour section here on the website and take a tour with our former student, Gift. He now works at IESL and since we are not allowed to have any visitors right now, Gift can show you a bit of our school.


We provide an international, English speaking culture in our schools. A major part of our teaching is in English, beginning as early as grade 4. Our Upper Secondary school, “Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet” has both the Natural Science and the Social Science programs taught completely in English.

Address Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm Allhelgonagatan 4, 118 58 Stockholm Email For all school enquiries please contact info.sodermalm@engelska.se Notification of Illness For notification of student illness please call: (+46) 08 562 28 709. Study in English We offer four national programmes with different specialisations as well as the IB programme. We have high academic ambitions for all our students - we see IEGS as a stepping stone to the next stage in their academic development. IEGS is located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic and multicultural tradition, committed to helping students develop to their full potential.

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SchoolSoft. Öppenhet – mellan skola  All Schoolsoft Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundsvall Referenser. Internationella Engelska Skolan to open a new school in bild. Welcome to IES Örebro  Läs om Schoolsoft Internationella Engelska Skolan Liljeholmen samlingmen se också Manuela Kemp också Feber Casting - 2021. Staff and students. Press the button External login to sign in with Google. If you are using a shared device, remember to logout from SchoolSoft, this takes you to   Engelskfaget er et komplet digitalt undervisningsmateriale til engelsk på mellemtrinnet fyldt med tekster, aktiviteter, årsplaner og undervisningsforløb.

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Almost a quarter of the current teaching staff have doctorates (PhDs) in their field and the majority of staff have masters degrees and qualified teacher-status. 2021-4-8 · Although our courses are taught in English, IEGS is a Swedish school and therefore follows the same guidelines as any other Swedish gymnasium. For example, if you wish to take one of the Swedish national programmes, you are required to have passed English, Math and Swedish in Grade 9 or its equivalent (ex.

IEGS Staff 2018/2019. Since its inception, IEGS has sought to bring English-speaking teachers of the very highest calibre to the school. Almost a quarter of the current teaching staff have doctorates (PhDs) in their field and the majority of staff have masters degrees and qualified teacher-status. The current staff of eighty is drawn from around the world including: Australia, Canada, France, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and Sweden.

Schoolsoft internationella engelska gymnasiet

Varje år öppnar vi fler skolor, så att fler barn får möjlighet att dra fördel av en utbildning inom IES. Var vi finns Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder. On February 1st, our three Year 8 classes participated in this year's digital Science and Technology competition called Teknikåttan. In total, there were 98 classes participating across Dalarna. Internationella Engelska Skolan is today the largest free school organization at the compulsory level (Grundskolan) in Sweden. More than 21 400 students attend our 30 schools around the country.

We currently offer four Swedish national programmes and the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, which all qualify students for university studies in Sweden or abroad. IEGS Staff 2018/2019 . Since its inception, IEGS has sought to bring English-speaking teachers of the very highest calibre to the school. Almost a quarter of the current teaching staff have doctorates (PhDs) in their field and the majority of staff have masters degrees and qualified teacher-status. Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. På Internationella gymnasiet vävs världen in i all undervisning.
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• Supporting  Welcome to IES Liljeholmen | IES Liljeholmen bild. Administration | Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm. 17-åring dömd för hotet mot Engelska skolan -  All Engelska Schoolsoft Referenser. About SchoolSoft | Internationella Engelska Skolan Administration | Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm  Gå till SchoolSoft Vår inriktning på avancerad IT och avancerad engelska gör eleven redo att söka universitet, högskola eller jobb i ett engelskspråkigt land efter gymnasiet. Man skulle kort kunna säga att vi erbjuder ett försprång ut i världen.

An important part of our success in education is that we provide a secure environment for teaching and learning. We believe in discipline, the concept of “tough love” and we have high expectations for everyone.
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